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Creation Care Corner — April 6, 2022

By April 5, 2022No Comments

On March 10th, the Creation Care Committee met with members Julia Nerbonne (Executive Director) and Buff Grace (Director of Faith Networks) of Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light to discuss strategies and goals for our newly formed committee.

For some background, MNIPL is an organization that brings together faith networks to advocate for creation care and environmental justice. They provide a platform for churches to gain resources to undertake sustainable practices and become outspoken members in the face of the climate crisis.

Some topics we discussed include environmental justice, ecumenical work, energy audits, disinvesting in fossil fuels, and more! Julia and Buff also introduced us to some excellent resources for building up our cohort. They include their snowflake model and their three-legged stool approach consisting of practical action, systemic change, and spiritual/relational connections.

This meeting was an incredibly fruitful conversation. We also hope to take advantage of some of the many events and trainings MNIPL offers.

If you want to learn more about MNIPL or are interested in future events, click here!



CREATION CARE TIP – Reduce food waste!

I know it is quite difficult to tell North Dakotans to lessen their intake of meat, but did you know it could significantly help the environment?

According to the MIT Climate Panel, the ranching industry adds a significant amount of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane to our atmosphere. Going vegetarian for a year would decrease the average American’s carbon footprint by one metric ton of CO2 emissions.

If you do choose to eat meat, I recommend limiting consumption from industrial sources to once or twice a week. Also look into finding locally sourced meat products (check out Gabe Brown and his sustainable farm!). These practices can contribute both to a healthier you and a healthier environment!

If you have any Creation Care tips or stories, let us know! Contact Solveigh Barney or fill out this survey by clicking HERE.